Just some fun stuff. Enjoy.
Here are songs I’ve recorded (2 albums), and original songs and arrangements. All are subject to copyright laws (so don’t. post Winter Wonderland or The Christmas Song to Youtube).
I’ve been singing all my life. My Mom used to say she could tell if I wasn’t feeling well: there was no singing going on. I sang to church hymns, songs I made up, and to the albums my brother was playing (much to his annoyance). Singing has always been a part of my life.
Song Tweeter
This is evidence that I switched from music to psychology when in college. I’m not a very good arranger but I have fun doing it.
Like a playwright but for songs. I write songs as a hobby. I’ve had a couple hit the radio but most stay in my desk drawer. I’m a member of ASCAP but no doubt one of their least successful ones.