We have good habits and bad habits. And some habits that are just weird. Good habits are helpful to us. They include brushing our teeth, brushing our hair and showing up to work on time.
Bad habits include things that are self-destructive or annoying to others. Eating too fast, yelling at other drivers and binge drinking vary in intensity but are all generally self-destructive. Drumming your fingers, smacking your lips or whistling through your front-teeth gap are annoying.
Weird habits include fluffing our pillow before bed, putting on your left shoe first, and eating watermelon with a fork (everyone knows you should use your hands).
It is good to know how to break a habit you don’t want. Here’s a 5-day email course that explains the process.
The course starts on Monday and ends on Friday.
The course include:
- Habits You Love & Hate
- Bronco Ride Your Habits Away
- Sidetrack Your Habit Train
- Sneak Up On Your Habit
- Outsmart Your Habit
Register now:
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