It’s almost here!
I’ve been working hard on creating a book that explains how to learn vocabulary. The steps I outline will work on any topic but I’ve selected Biological Psychology as an example. Bio Psych included terms from history, philosophy, chemistry, biology, physics and psychology. It is a diverse collection of terms and phrase.
I’ve selected 1001 things to know. First, I explain the steps and show how to apply them to 101 items. Second, I add 900 more terms and show how those same steps can be applied to a much larger pool too.
There are four steps to learning vocabulary: OPT-Repeat. OPT stand for Organize, Process and Test. Repeat is a reminder that the steps are recursive.
Organize includes:
- How to use negative recognition to identify Don’t-Knows
- The Rule of Three for identifying what is likely to be on the test
- The value of using categories
- The importance of personal interests
Process includes:
- Look Up Don’t-Knows (definitions given for all items)
- Write a Story (verbal encoding)
- Draw a Picture (spatial encoding)
Test includes:
- The proper use of Flashcards
- Why you should teach Teddy Bears
- The importance of Creating Your Own Tests
Repeat includes:
- Distributed Practice
- Overlearning
- Avoiding Flow
Captain Psychology’s How To Learn Vocabulary (Biological Psychology) will be available in print form this summer on Amazon. Kindle edition will be available in the fall.